Fiber Optic Cabinets, Cables, Pedestals and Terminals

This month, we’re looking at the alleged drop in employee loyalty in the US workforce. While I believe the statistical data that’s being reported – for example, reported that 76% of full-time workers would leave their current position if presented with the right opportunity – I don’t believe it’s an indictment on the workers of today.

I really believe that the underlying difference in any organization is the employee. But a company shouldn’t be viewed as a family – for the primary reason that families do not choose each other. 

I believe that a business should operate like a small community where every individual is there because he/she chooses to be there. Only in that type of environment and infrastructure will great things emerge.  

Growing up in a small town, you know the importance of good neighbors. Every day, they go about their own business – but they will be by your side in a heartbeat when there’s trouble to overcome or joys to celebrate.

A fully-functioning community is guided by empathy. I truly believe that the actions of 1)  understanding, 2) being aware of, 3) being sensitive to, and 4) vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts and experiences of others will make a tangible impact.

I’m convinced that’s why Clearfield has such low turnover and high loyalty. I genuinely care about all members of the Clearfield community – our employees and their families.
